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To: lightwave@mail.webcom.com
From: Stephen Bailey <sbailey@vinton.com>
Subject: Re: Photoshop for Alpha/WinNT? (SMTP Id#: 5
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>AFAIK, it isn't (yet). Not having an Alpha, it doesn't matter
>_that_ much to me (now), but I definitely recall hearing this
>somewhere on _this list_ not too long ago. As to does it need to
>be, I think it might, I hear you can emulate on an Alpha, but I
>don't know if that's going to be especially useful to you, that's
>always kinda slow...
>Should it be? That's more the question. Well, does Adobe think
>it worthwhile? I mean they ported it to SGI and SUN, don't think
>they're selling thousands of those...
It seems that "in a year from now" is the standard answer from Adobe, no
matter when you ask. Doesn't seem like they have much of a fire under their
butts to go ahead with the Alpha port.
Then again, with Alpha sales rising quickly, that could all change. I wonder
if anyone knows how many Alphas are out there vs. how many SGI workstations?